Thursday, April 5, 2012

More song lyrics

What would be a song about a traveler or soldier of some sort who lived, who's ready to die.
"I" in this poem is a star.
Travel along the lighted path
Only to find you've lost nothing
Instead you've gained more than I could ever hope to
And you find you've become happy

Expel the darkness that you're handed
And live as if you'll never die
Yet you search on and on for your journey's just started
Looking for a jewel called me

Such a treasure you'd hope to attain
Such a gift you've gained all the same
Fighting on to live through the pain
And never complaining to live on again

Along your travels you found a star
Bigger and brighter than you've ever seen
Finding among those that had fallen here
Really, all you've found was me

A simple "thank you" to you
And a simple "regards" from me
For I am but a rock in this sea of nothingness
And yet you wish to me to be free

I can't give you freedom
Though I wish I could try
What I can do is give you hope
And hope you'll live on

For I've seen those who lay
Slain here, over many years
Many millennia passed without thought
And I can only hope you'll live on

Live on, again, for those who've gone
For those who've left you alone
Live on, again, to prove your worth some
And then you'll leave on your own

You live and you live
You'll fight and you'll give
Full of hope, you will live
And you'll die one day too
But you've time to live

Yet you're tired of living
You've lived much longer
And you've outlived your comrades
And you're ready to go

Travel along a lighted path
There you'll meet me once, twice
You place a wish among my light
And I finally grant it when you die

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