Saturday, August 18, 2012


All in due time, Success will be mine
And then will I be happy?

They say nothing is truly golden
But I'd like to know who's "they"?
Who's controlling my life? Who's watching?
"They" are keeping me from "happy"?

One day "they" will break me down
And again I'll do nothing to stop them
"They" can say all they like
But maybe it's time for a change

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Notes about 調声晒し大会2012

-Finish by Aug. 19.
-Need either video of the UST played, or the UST uploaded.
-Parodies OK? As long as it doesn't insult the song...
-Just the first part of Senbonzakura (First minute and thirty seconds)
-UST distributed is unedited. The event is to make pitchbends and such and edit it. Can be VCV or CV.
-Should upload to Nico
-Off vocal from KurousaP's home page: (But you click on it and it's 40MB?!)
-Tagged 調声晒し大会2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

More info about Shizu's Paradoxical Form

-She can breath normally at very high altitudes and in clouds.
-Wearing glasses in form is pointless, since mostly everything blurs together anyways.
-Can see up to ten inches in front of her.
-Otherwise, it's all a giant blur.
-Thus, her other senses are greatly heightened.
-Her reactions are faster than in human form.
-Doesn't eat or feel hungry. If she would have been hungry, she feels it after she transforms back.
-Toenails and fingernails are very sharp, and don't break easily. They dull down when she reverts.
-Toes grow a centimeter and can be controlled like fingers, but she wears shoes so it's not noticed.
-For whatever reason, her clothing changes too. But her glasses don't. She carries a small case in her pocket the entire time... (her glasses are the type that can be folded really small)...
-Flapping her wings certain ways, she can create decently strong breezes.
-Has trouble in dense forests. Clearings are OK, but generally runs into tree branches...
-Language never seems to be much of an issue. As long as she knows a few words, she can imprint them into other's minds. She rarely speaks in full sentence. However, she prefers playing charades with everyone unless it's an emergency.