Thursday, August 9, 2012

More info about Shizu's Paradoxical Form

-She can breath normally at very high altitudes and in clouds.
-Wearing glasses in form is pointless, since mostly everything blurs together anyways.
-Can see up to ten inches in front of her.
-Otherwise, it's all a giant blur.
-Thus, her other senses are greatly heightened.
-Her reactions are faster than in human form.
-Doesn't eat or feel hungry. If she would have been hungry, she feels it after she transforms back.
-Toenails and fingernails are very sharp, and don't break easily. They dull down when she reverts.
-Toes grow a centimeter and can be controlled like fingers, but she wears shoes so it's not noticed.
-For whatever reason, her clothing changes too. But her glasses don't. She carries a small case in her pocket the entire time... (her glasses are the type that can be folded really small)...
-Flapping her wings certain ways, she can create decently strong breezes.
-Has trouble in dense forests. Clearings are OK, but generally runs into tree branches...
-Language never seems to be much of an issue. As long as she knows a few words, she can imprint them into other's minds. She rarely speaks in full sentence. However, she prefers playing charades with everyone unless it's an emergency.

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