Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Celia and Amaya

-A slightly higher class servant, serving nobles. Part of the training for this was learning to be a bodyguard if needed, thus, she is strong.
-Able to see the past with the exact limitations that Amaya has in seeing the future.
-ie, if she's in a room with someone, she might be able to see important things from their past. Their former decisions, dark histories, etc...Of course, this isn't always helpful, though it is accurate.
-She's "seen" her own birth (which wasn't exactly pleasant). She can't "see" too much before that.
-This was discovered, and as Amaya usually runs off and becomes the queen of thieves, Celia was adopted into the family.
-Celia knows she's only backup, in the event that Amaya does something stupid and dies. She's still very formal around the family (and well, it is a fairly formal family).
-She and Amaya aren't really close but are friendly toward one another. Amaya is the closest thing Celia has as a friend.
-She's timid in nature, always afraid she's doing something wrong. She fears the day they kick her out. She has no idea what she'd do then.
-Remains in contact with her birth mother, who lives in a place Amaya regularly visits. She goes under the guise of "protecting Amaya from any harm", but everyone knows why she really goes there.
-Possibly related to a man named C Baker, from a neighboring town.
-Much more orderly than Amaya (wears both earrings instead of one)

-Born into nobility, it was clear she would take over for her father eventually. What exactly he does is something only these three know.
-Hates formalities and runs off most nights (sometimes days too). She travels around the city most of the time, but every so often, leaves to travel with a group of nomads.
-Gambles and tells fortunes for people on the street when away.
-Very bold in nature
-Likes Celia, but knows not to drag her along everywhere.
-Scary accurate at predicting the future. She's never been wrong. She only sees things once in a while, though, and she has to be in the same room as the future of the thing she sees.
-She knows the date of her death and dreads that day (as she will be murdered). No one else knows that she knows. She has no idea who'll kill her or why. She also can't "see" beyond that date.
-She is actively trying to prevent Celia's death as well, but hasn't told anyone.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


-She's blind, but tries really hard to hide it. She gets around pretty well. 
-She hates shoes since she can use her feet as claws if needed. 
-Unlike the rest of her family, her clothing doesn't change between forms.
-In her bat form, she is essentially a vampire. She stops herself from eating people (unless they consent and have a one night stand or whatever) and instead hunts animals.
-Her power is very limited. She can only transform at night, and only for a short amount of time. Like everyone else, sleep forces her to change back. Also, if she drinks blood, she doesn't need to eat for a few days.
-For her, drinking blood is much more efficient, as even just a pint can hold her over for about 36hrs. When in human form, she has to eat a lot.
-She doesn't look her age. No one's really sure how old she actually is (though she's considerably young for a pseudo-vampire. At least two years younger than Heizen) No one has any idea how long she'll live. Also, she grew to about her size when she was six, and has stayed roughly the same since.
-Unlike her family, she was born with white hair and it's turned black (everyone else is the other way around). She's apparently young enough to not have completely outgrown her hair change.
-She sleeps for about two weeks straight every other year. Otherwise she takes quick hour long naps here and there, but otherwise doesn't really need to sleep.