Monday, July 23, 2012

Choruses I'm going to make this summer to re-release old USTs

Mainly re-releasing with better pitchbends and harmonies.
So, uh, the list:
Tokyo "2" Rock City
Kodoku no Hate
And they'll all be UTAU choruses. No idea how many UTAU or what yet. This will be my planning page when I start.

There are already better Kimi ni Sasagu Fantasia and Shinkai Shoujo USTs, so I won't spend too much time with those, if any. Might also (if I feel like it) redo my Blindness UST with better pitchbends.

Lastly, Deska's overseas this summer, and kinda dropped some of the choruses we were going to collab on. (Well, just the ones we hadn't started yet. Which means Ikasama Life Game is the only one I'm waiting on her for.) So, uh, I'll be working on stuff eventually.
Oh, but she did mention a boys chorus of PONPONPON and a female one of Breathe eventually. So, that'll be interesting.

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