Monday, July 23, 2012

SoD's Master "To Do List" Post

-Shizu VCV 5.1 (as labeled on my computer. This does not sound good)
-Shizu VCV Stronger nasally set (orz that's the way it turned out. Only good for slower songs.)
-Shizu VCV August'13 Redux (Recorded and partially oto'd, actually usable with a decent voice. Will also be compatible with CV)
-Shizu Chinese redux (Possibly VCV or all out CVVC??? Two banks are on my computer and idk which I'll end up using. (CVVC and Full List, they're listed as))
-Shizu English redux/etc (CVVC (Cz list), initial recording done. Fixing FRQs and otoing now)
-Shizu Korean (recorded, needs to be oto'd/rerecorded. This thing is two years old...)
-Pianoloid and Dog huge oto things so they're compatible with all hiragana and romaji

Misc VBs on SoD's computer that weren't listed above (for personal reference):
-Figure out what to do with any other bank I've recorded in the last however long that's halfway decent:
-VCV (nts:in oremo folder), New VCV (idk if this is 5.1 or the other one is), Tweets (if this sounds funny, it'll be an omake bank for Shizu), Shizu 6.0 (except it sounds bad so nvm), 5 25 12, 4 16 12, 12 15 12, Andromedeactan, August 6 13, BlankHighPitch (I am 60% sure this is GHOST), DERP, foal, orz, PITCH, Sept 24 (2011), Soft Female, result, Puzzle (A Puzzle CVVC bank recorded and not yet oto'd, so I don't know yet if this will be a redux core Shizu or something)

-Aroku's alternate form
-SOARing UTAU site banner+background.

USTs: (Also a To-make list at the bottom of the post)
[USTs removed from list when released via video. Crossed out means I just need art/video.]
-Scrap&Build (60% done? Need to pitchbend, and create harmonies.)
-P.a.r.a.l.y.z.e. (98% Need to just recheck everything.)
-Dragonheart (30% Need to check timing/pitch, pitchbend, and create harmonies)
-Duvet (50% Need to pitchbend, figure out the middle not-really-lyric parts and exactly how those go, and recheck the English. Using a MIDI and idk who made it since it was just sorta up on the animelyrics site.)

-See Songs SoD wants to make UTAU choruses of, but is too lazy to do.

Mixed and ready to upload except I need a video/art:
[most of these will have demos on my SoundCloud]
-World's End Ura Omote Dancehall Lovers (UtaRun featured UTAU chorus, first two months only)
-Ikasama Life Game mini-chorus of 4 (Need video+Art+mixing tweak)canceled
-Akatsuki Arrival chorus of 8 (Need video, art, mixing tweaks.) canceled
-P.a.r.a.l.y.z.e. (Attempting to make a PV. I'd say about 15% of the art is done.)

-Get back to writing The Day We Died.
-UTAU x Pokemon Hack stuff if the script editor wants to work on my computer again I can learn to code in XSE properly.


Original Characters (art):

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