Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fantastic Baby x Ai Dee

Mashup chorus.
Satsuki Souka - TOP
Donburika Sii - Seungri
Akio Ryo Power - GD
Sousei Nemu - Taeyang
Ryszard Anoil - Daesung

Status: Mixed entirely. SoundCloud ver that's uploaded isn't most recent.
(Also that mini guessing contest I had on Tumblr of course is now over)
Just need to figure out what to do with the video. Still.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


All in due time, Success will be mine
And then will I be happy?

They say nothing is truly golden
But I'd like to know who's "they"?
Who's controlling my life? Who's watching?
"They" are keeping me from "happy"?

One day "they" will break me down
And again I'll do nothing to stop them
"They" can say all they like
But maybe it's time for a change

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Notes about 調声晒し大会2012

-Finish by Aug. 19.
-Need either video of the UST played, or the UST uploaded.
-Parodies OK? As long as it doesn't insult the song...
-Just the first part of Senbonzakura (First minute and thirty seconds)
-UST distributed is unedited. The event is to make pitchbends and such and edit it. Can be VCV or CV.
-Should upload to Nico
-Off vocal from KurousaP's home page: (But you click on it and it's 40MB?!)
-Tagged 調声晒し大会2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

More info about Shizu's Paradoxical Form

-She can breath normally at very high altitudes and in clouds.
-Wearing glasses in form is pointless, since mostly everything blurs together anyways.
-Can see up to ten inches in front of her.
-Otherwise, it's all a giant blur.
-Thus, her other senses are greatly heightened.
-Her reactions are faster than in human form.
-Doesn't eat or feel hungry. If she would have been hungry, she feels it after she transforms back.
-Toenails and fingernails are very sharp, and don't break easily. They dull down when she reverts.
-Toes grow a centimeter and can be controlled like fingers, but she wears shoes so it's not noticed.
-For whatever reason, her clothing changes too. But her glasses don't. She carries a small case in her pocket the entire time... (her glasses are the type that can be folded really small)...
-Flapping her wings certain ways, she can create decently strong breezes.
-Has trouble in dense forests. Clearings are OK, but generally runs into tree branches...
-Language never seems to be much of an issue. As long as she knows a few words, she can imprint them into other's minds. She rarely speaks in full sentence. However, she prefers playing charades with everyone unless it's an emergency.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Akatsuki Arrival chorus

All UTAU belong to their respective owners.
Song by Last Note.
Using the UST by UTAUReizo
Also, sorry for spamming your Google/whatever search site you use searches.

Kanti Kokusaine
Hatsue Yoshino

Onsei Lulu
Mai Yukiri
Ekiguchi Yuumei
Will get to throwing a video together soon-ish.

Monday, July 23, 2012

SoD's Master "To Do List" Post

-Shizu VCV 5.1 (as labeled on my computer. This does not sound good)
-Shizu VCV Stronger nasally set (orz that's the way it turned out. Only good for slower songs.)
-Shizu VCV August'13 Redux (Recorded and partially oto'd, actually usable with a decent voice. Will also be compatible with CV)
-Shizu Chinese redux (Possibly VCV or all out CVVC??? Two banks are on my computer and idk which I'll end up using. (CVVC and Full List, they're listed as))
-Shizu English redux/etc (CVVC (Cz list), initial recording done. Fixing FRQs and otoing now)
-Shizu Korean (recorded, needs to be oto'd/rerecorded. This thing is two years old...)
-Pianoloid and Dog huge oto things so they're compatible with all hiragana and romaji

Misc VBs on SoD's computer that weren't listed above (for personal reference):
-Figure out what to do with any other bank I've recorded in the last however long that's halfway decent:
-VCV (nts:in oremo folder), New VCV (idk if this is 5.1 or the other one is), Tweets (if this sounds funny, it'll be an omake bank for Shizu), Shizu 6.0 (except it sounds bad so nvm), 5 25 12, 4 16 12, 12 15 12, Andromedeactan, August 6 13, BlankHighPitch (I am 60% sure this is GHOST), DERP, foal, orz, PITCH, Sept 24 (2011), Soft Female, result, Puzzle (A Puzzle CVVC bank recorded and not yet oto'd, so I don't know yet if this will be a redux core Shizu or something)

-Aroku's alternate form
-SOARing UTAU site banner+background.

USTs: (Also a To-make list at the bottom of the post)
[USTs removed from list when released via video. Crossed out means I just need art/video.]
-Scrap&Build (60% done? Need to pitchbend, and create harmonies.)
-P.a.r.a.l.y.z.e. (98% Need to just recheck everything.)
-Dragonheart (30% Need to check timing/pitch, pitchbend, and create harmonies)
-Duvet (50% Need to pitchbend, figure out the middle not-really-lyric parts and exactly how those go, and recheck the English. Using a MIDI and idk who made it since it was just sorta up on the animelyrics site.)

-See Songs SoD wants to make UTAU choruses of, but is too lazy to do.

Mixed and ready to upload except I need a video/art:
[most of these will have demos on my SoundCloud]
-World's End Ura Omote Dancehall Lovers (UtaRun featured UTAU chorus, first two months only)
-Ikasama Life Game mini-chorus of 4 (Need video+Art+mixing tweak)canceled
-Akatsuki Arrival chorus of 8 (Need video, art, mixing tweaks.) canceled
-P.a.r.a.l.y.z.e. (Attempting to make a PV. I'd say about 15% of the art is done.)

-Get back to writing The Day We Died.
-UTAU x Pokemon Hack stuff if the script editor wants to work on my computer again I can learn to code in XSE properly.


Original Characters (art):

Choruses I'm going to make this summer to re-release old USTs

Mainly re-releasing with better pitchbends and harmonies.
So, uh, the list:
Tokyo "2" Rock City
Kodoku no Hate
And they'll all be UTAU choruses. No idea how many UTAU or what yet. This will be my planning page when I start.

There are already better Kimi ni Sasagu Fantasia and Shinkai Shoujo USTs, so I won't spend too much time with those, if any. Might also (if I feel like it) redo my Blindness UST with better pitchbends.

Lastly, Deska's overseas this summer, and kinda dropped some of the choruses we were going to collab on. (Well, just the ones we hadn't started yet. Which means Ikasama Life Game is the only one I'm waiting on her for.) So, uh, I'll be working on stuff eventually.
Oh, but she did mention a boys chorus of PONPONPON and a female one of Breathe eventually. So, that'll be interesting.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Useless facts about the hierarchy of power in my characters

Kotori pretty much is in charge.
Under her are Yun and SQ, who have equal power but report to her.
Yun's subordinates are the Long sisters; Wuqiong and Lanying (including Lin and Nil, if I ever revive them).
SQ is in charge of Wineberry, Miru, Ven, and Amaya.
The non-management subordinates directly under Kotori are Shizu, Aroku, and Taer+Taera (Forming Brigade 1) and November, Myra, Amethyst, Narei, and Temper (Forming Brigade 2). Meanwhile, Hua on her own is Brigade 3.

Kotori is responsible for giving Wineberry and Amaya magic. SQ gave it to Ven. Miru has no magic.
Yun speaks many many languages, so naturally she's in charge of the Long sisters who primarily speak Chinese. They handle any foreign relations SOAR might have.
SQ's team is essentially "backup", as Wineberry's magic isn't great (but is something, at least), Ven's not strong either, and Amaya is only called for confirmation about future events. Miru can take down people if needed.
Brigade 1 is full of shapeshifters (pretty much). Aroku has a fairy form, Taer and Taera switch forms with one another, and Shizu has her Paradoxical Form. Generally, Kotori leads this brigade because she has her Andromeda form, and is most related to them. This team is the fighting team, if needed, and the briefing/debriefing team if not.
Brigade 2 has no special powers to speak of, except Amethyst, who can communicate with anyone over any distance generally via radio and sometimes in rare cases through telepathy. Brigade 2's duty is to hold the fort while the others are out (because Kotori can't trust them on their own...) and handle domestic affairs. When off mission, Kotori hangs out most with this team, although avoids Amethyst.
Hua is in her own brigade because she can switch her personality on a dime, and she's also very skilled in survival and travel. She's sort of a scout, I suppose. When needed, she joins Brigade 1. Most often, she remains innocent (it's a traaaap).

Meanwhile, Yel is in charge of Unyo and Kou, separate from the others; allied with Kotori.
And SD is all alone, in charge of no one. He does whatever he wants, which is mostly nothing at all.
Meanwhile (again), Kururi shows up often as both a rival and ally when situations call for it.

10/18: Chinese Zodiacal characters (all twelve) report under Spamora, but operate separately. Ven is the ambassador to Spamora's team, and is the only one who partakes in SOAR's adventures.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Useless facts about Shizu's family.

Shizu's mother looks almost /exactly/ like Shizu. Except her hair is a little shorter and she doesn't use hair clips. (She has something else instead).
Heizen also has really long hair. (SoD has a design for him in mind...everything but his wardrobe's been sorta decided.)
Anjing and Heizen have straight hair, while Shizu's (and her mother's) is curly.
Heizen and Anjing's mother is Shizu's father's sister. (Name idea is Ange.) However, HAF's last name is something no one really wanted for a last name, so they call themselves the Sogones still.
Heizen looks a lot like his father. Their mother (surprisingly) is the only one with black hair in their little family.
Other than Shizu's dad, and H+A's mom, their other siblings are Shizu's mom's (SM) identical twin (who straightens her hair and wears contacts and dresses a little more risque) and her dad's+H+A's mom's youngest sister.
Shizu's Dad (SD) is the middle child and H+A's mom (HAM...what...) is the oldest.
Heizen is the same age as Shizu. He's also just an inch taller than her.
Anjing is twelve, but honestly looks like she's seven. She really hates it. She's short for her age.
Shizu is an only child. Heizen and Anjing have no other siblings. SM's twin sister has a ten year old son.
SMTS is a single parent.
Shizu's grandmother (on her mother's side) is called Tekko. Apparently in her youth, she looked exactly like Shizu (and also SM). However, her eyes are good and she doesn't need glasses/contacts. She's the only one in their family without sight issues.
Tekko and SM's maiden name is Ambrose.
SD+HAM's mother disappeared a while ago. Every so often, they get postcards and they have no idea how to contact her.
Both of Shizu's grandfathers are gone.
HAM's husband (HAF) is rather non-notable. He's an average man with no real defining features. Wears glasses, has white hair, etc.

Shizu can transform into her Paradoxical/bird form. It's common in her family, but she's the strongest out of them. Out of her family, those who can transform are: Tekko, SM, Heizen, Anjing, SMTS.
The rest are well aware that they can transform.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Character's alt forms?

Shizu's alternate form is based on dreams. Her VBs will be renamed as such eventually (Well, there's Dreamy already... Soft might become "REM" or something. Will figure it out eventually. Will likely call VCV "Lucid".)
Aroku's alternate form is (supposed to be) a fish. Eventually. When I get around to designing it. Although, she probably won't have other banks... If she does (ie, I get a new voicer for her and said CV records more for me), I'll decide a theme then; whether it's fish themed or elemental themed or something else all together.
And then my persona, Kotori...her alternate form/alter ego is Andromeda. She's the only one with an alt personality when she switches. If I ever manage to record an UTAU that sounds nothing like Aroku or Shizu (or, I get a different voicer for Aroku /and/ manage to fix that bank), it will likely be Andromeda. And anything else related to her will be galaxy/space related.

orz, Kotori and Shizu's forms are flying forms... I need to learn to pose floating/flying characters now, don't I.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A limerick I wrote about Shizu just now.

A girl wanted exceedingly long hair
For you see, her head was quite bare
It grew out real quick
Ankle length went it
And at her white mane, people would stare

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Chorus idea

And by that, I mean UTAU chorus idea.
A chorus with ALL the Shizu's. Or Shizune's. Or Shizuka's. How many are there...?
Probs something like Smiling or SPIRAL GAME or something with a lot of vocal tracks in the first place...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When I finish typing romaji/kana/English/translyrics for all the songs on Luna ac Memoria, I'll start with something else. Maybe Re:collection, seeing as it's the only other scanned book of his I can find. (besides POLYHOLIC and & Gothika.)
Finished Kage fully.
Still need to translyricalize Lost and Slow.
Need to type out fully Here.
They're short enough songs, so it shouldn't be too much hassle.
Might do Yami Saki Hana before Re:Birth though.

Also, those lyrics to "heaven" that are in really bad English:
(For this I might make a different sort of translyric...Y'know, just so it's more easily understandable? Maybe.)

Heaven is so lonely place
that bring me emptiness
where is my tender world

Sunshine is so fatal disease
that erase me to darkness
No-one realize the truth

Call my name, and huge me deadly at once
You're the only one who rescue me
Everything through your eyes had seemed beautiful
You had shown me its true colors by the name of
"A flower for life"

Prayer is deeper shade of moon
that release me from freedom
Essential element

Your love is unconditional
and forgive my sin
But you had gone far away from here

Call my name, and let me listen to your heart beat
You're the only one who rescue me
Everynight I'm waiting for your hand stretched out
I have a longing for your warmth
I will never get
Sleeping with wet pillow

hopeless noiseless colorless helpless
nothing nothing can change

Call my name, and hug me deadly at once
You're the only one who rescue me
What a wonder...wonderful delusion
I entreat and cry out to you in my dream
matte kudasai

Another song I would write if I could write music

All alone, all alone
Forever more
Singing to myself alone
Until I'm sore

Waiting for, waiting for
A place of my own
Waiting for my life to be its own

All alone, all alone
What I thought true
Dancing for myself alone
Until I met you

Waiting for, waiting for
A heart to call mine
Waiting for our paths intertwined

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A rough romanization of PolyphonicBranch's "Kage (Shadow)"

Anything with a question mark, I'm really not sure of. I'll work on a rough translation and eventually translyrics later.

Hikari ni terasareruno wa, ayafuyadatta-fun-kai
Sukoshizutsu owaru kisetsu wo,  tōku kara nagamete ita

Oitsuku Todoita Furimuku Hokorobi
Tsunagaru shisen

Dō ka wasurenaide
Boku no kage o

Azemichi ni-ri narande, tōku o mitsume aruita
Gūzen kage wa kasanaru, yū to yoi no hazama de

Shizunda Modoranai Usuku naru Futari no kage
Kasanatta mama

Kiete shimau mae ni
Yubi to yubi o musunde
Kiete shimau mae ni
Hanare, hanare

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Form my own convienience

In HM: SI. For my ease to getting everyone's sun stones... Pretty much some of the easiest things to get.
People who like fish (any size):
Denny x
Martin x
Ray - Seaweed also works x
Taro x
Kirk x
Pierre x
Lanna x

Will x
Felicia x
Mirabelle x
Eliza x
Julia x
Sabrina x

Regis x
Charlie x
Witch Princess

Gannon - Buy stone or golden lumber and give it right back to him x
Witchkins - Pet food...
Harvest Goddess - Eggs... x
Carol - Learn how to cook...orz
Elliot - Bamboo shoots, chocolate...gelatin... x
Mark/Chelsea - ANYTHING :D
Vaughn - Chocolate
Alisa - Gelatin
Lily - 10k ticket? x
Natalie - Chocolate, x
Julia - Egg x
Chen - Gelatin x
Child - Will do later

Thursday, April 5, 2012

More song lyrics

What would be a song about a traveler or soldier of some sort who lived, who's ready to die.
"I" in this poem is a star.
Travel along the lighted path
Only to find you've lost nothing
Instead you've gained more than I could ever hope to
And you find you've become happy

Expel the darkness that you're handed
And live as if you'll never die
Yet you search on and on for your journey's just started
Looking for a jewel called me

Such a treasure you'd hope to attain
Such a gift you've gained all the same
Fighting on to live through the pain
And never complaining to live on again

Along your travels you found a star
Bigger and brighter than you've ever seen
Finding among those that had fallen here
Really, all you've found was me

A simple "thank you" to you
And a simple "regards" from me
For I am but a rock in this sea of nothingness
And yet you wish to me to be free

I can't give you freedom
Though I wish I could try
What I can do is give you hope
And hope you'll live on

For I've seen those who lay
Slain here, over many years
Many millennia passed without thought
And I can only hope you'll live on

Live on, again, for those who've gone
For those who've left you alone
Live on, again, to prove your worth some
And then you'll leave on your own

You live and you live
You'll fight and you'll give
Full of hope, you will live
And you'll die one day too
But you've time to live

Yet you're tired of living
You've lived much longer
And you've outlived your comrades
And you're ready to go

Travel along a lighted path
There you'll meet me once, twice
You place a wish among my light
And I finally grant it when you die